Monday, March 12, 2012

Boy! Am I glad you made it!

I've been thinking about appropriate ways to put into practice what we've learned all the while keeping this interest of mine going and -at last- the light bulb!

I went online to do some 'consumption'
(...nutrition/social media consumption, class!!) 
and (of course, my default being YouTube) I saw something interesting that I wanted to share.

Part of it will remind you of my post last week (creation) and part what I wanted to do this week. 

I am going to paste it below (curation) so we can all enjoy!

Jen?!  I thought about what you said last week and one of the recipe I got it especially for you (Rice and beans: Diri Ak Pwa)

Also, I thought about Ashley since she said she liked the picture, I kept it!

What is collaboration if not a product of good memory... Sorry, an effort to exchange, partner-up and co-create!
I hope you feel like you really contributed to this product!  (I don't pay royalties but I think you are well on your way to becoming advocates of "Healthy Obsessions".  Thank you.)

So here we go! 

Before I forget, please, turn the volume down a bit...  :-) He starts  the video with the national anthem and -waw- is it loud!  My neighbors probably think it's a culture thing to have it played on the first Sunday of the month. :-)


Consume, curate, create and collaborate away!

Rice & Beans / Griot (Traditional Recipes)

Have an awesome week!

Congrats to the Giants and to their families, friends of the families, families of the friends and fans on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, LinkeIn...